BREAKING: Final destination for yacht leasing schemes?
“Such practices violate EU law and must come to an end”. With this strongly worded statement, the EU Commissioner for Economic and...

Keep Calm and Carry On – looking for the positives in the marine sector arising out of Brexit
“It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good” In the storm of economic uncertainty and political infighting that has followed the outcome...

After the Brexit party, a monumental hangover
As dawn broke on Friday 24 June 2016, it became clear that the UK electorate had made a historic decision to bring to an end its 43 years...

Brexit and the UK’s unwritten constitution
As opinion polls in the UK appear to indicate some momentum towards Brexit, we have pondered, as lawyers, just how easy would it be...

Fourth Railway Package – Technical Pillar – what it may mean for the UK rolling stock market
“Let a hundred flowers bloom” Mao Zedong Unsurprisingly unnoticed by a press dominated by the big themes of the UK’s relationship with...

Port Services Regulation – Cui bono?
In all the heated debate in the UK about “Brexit” and the upcoming referendum, one aspect of EU regulation that is of crucial importance...